Non-Operative & Operative Treatment of Neck & Back Pain

Did you know that neck and back pain are among the most common medical conditions?
Fortunately most spine related issues do not require surgical intervention and can be managed with nonoperative treatment. This is why at Commonwealth Neurosurgery, Dr. Jebraili aims to treat his patients nonoperatively whenever possible.
In consulting with Dr. Jebraili, you are consulting with a Board Certified spine expert with over twenty years of experience. He will develop a detailed treatment plan, tailored specifically for you, taking into account a variety of factors which include your anatomy, physical exam, source, severity and duration of the pain and your imaging studies.
The main aim of managing neck and back pain is to maintain an ability to function properly, prevent any further injuries to the spine, and to provide adequate pain relief that will allow you to actively participate in your desired lifestyle.
Nonoperative options include but are not limited to judicious use of anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxants, activity modification, home exercise program to include stretching and core strengthening and isometric exercises, bracing, chiropractic care, physical therapy, yoga, alternative medical therapy including acupuncture and interventional pain management.
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
NSAIDs are prescribed with a specific aim to minimize any inflammation in your joints or soft tissues. They may also be taken as short-term pain relievers. However, your physician will generally recommend short use of NSAIDs for management of spine conditions.
These medications offer a strong anti-inflammatory effect. When taken, they offer temporary reduction of swelling, pain, inflammation, and stiffness associated with your soft tissues and joints. Not all patient are candidates for the use of steroids due to inherent side effects.
Muscle Relaxants
Your surgeon may recommend these medications to minimize muscle spasms which can otherwise cause stiff neck or back.
Analgesic Medications
These are what you may refer to as ‘pain killers’. They are used to minimize pain without necessarily changing the cause of the pain. The use of narcotic analgesics however is very limited in our practice. Their use prior to surgery if at all, would be limited to a very short course typically between 5-7 days. After surgery, they are used to manage surgical incision pain which generally does not exceed 1 or 2 weeks.
Physical Therapy
Depending on your condition, Dr. Jebraili may recommend physical therapy as a non-operative treatment option for neck and back pain. This can be either administered preoperatively or after an operation to maximize your recovery. It can be administered in several modalities such as:
- Hot Pack or Ice Pack
- Ultrasound
- Massage
- Traction
- Exercise
- Bracing
- Manual Manipulation
- TENS Units
- Core strengthening
- Work hardening
- Aqua therapy
Lifestyle Factors
Your surgeon may require that you make certain lifestyle changes to fully minimize the occurrence of lower back or neck pain. Some of the changes include weight loss, quitting smoking, enhanced ergonomics, and posture and activity modification.
If you have been experiencing severe back or neck pain that makes it difficult to function in your everyday life, contact Dr. Jebraili today at Commonwealth Neurosurgery for a tailored consultation.